Renewable energy, and finding usable renewable energy sources, is a hot topic in today’s world and rightfully so. There is a global battle raging right now and unfortunately the world is losing.
Climate change is running rampant and carbon dioxide emissions are really harming the planet. Plus we have a finite amount of oil and natural gas that will eventually run out. So finding renewable energy sources should be the world’s top priority.
At this time, there are a number of different sources of renewable energy that we would like to talk about today.
These renewable energy will help to preserve the planet and make life on planet Earth enjoyable for many years to come. Our future is at stake and using these energy is one of the only ways that we can preserve it.
Let’s look closer at these sources below.
Geothermal Energy
Out of the various energy sources, geothermal energy is quite reliable and very cost-effective. In the USA, each year we are capable of generating 2800 MW of such energy. This is about 2% of the country’s entire energy consumption. Obviously the US and the world would benefit more if we could tap into this renewable source on a more consistent basis.
The way it is produced is from steam under the earth’s surface. A turbine is powered through the extraction of this steam and then the turbine is used to power an electrical generator. One problem is that it’s tough to find viable land sites to produce geothermal energy. That’s why we only use it on such a small scale.
Hydroelectric Energy
Hydroelectric energy, otherwise known as hydropower, is currently the largest source of renewable energy that the world uses. At the time of this writing, hydropower is currently generating 77,000 MW of electricity each year.
How does it work? It is generated from waterfalls and rivers that are released through turbines as a way to produce the energy. This is a nonpolluting technology, but many fear that it’s possible to harm marine wildlife. They also worry that it is altering the quality of the water. But hydropower is a potent way to generate electricity without the need to tap into renewable energy sources.
Wind Energy
The most surprising statistics come from wind energy. Since it is one of the most talked about sources of renewable energy, one would expect that it is producing massive amounts of energy each year. But on the contrary, wind energy roughly produces about 2500 MW of power per year in the US. This only equates to about 1% of the consumption in the US.
To generate wind energy, powerful winds will rotate a blade attached to a main shaft. The shaft is part of a generator that uses the wind and turns it into electrical current. There are certain small wind turbines that can power households, ranches and farms across the country, but you do not see this as often as one might think.
Wind technology produces a great deal of noise, so that is one downside to utilizing this technology. The other downside – and the one that really makes it difficult – is that installing wind turbines are relatively expensive.
Solar Energy
One of the most popular forms of renewable energy is solar energy. This power is derived directly from the sun, and it is trapped in photovoltaic cells that are then converted to electricity that can easily power your home, farm, ranch and even office building.
Solar collectors are used to absorb the solar radiation coming from the sun. You can use this to heat the air or water in your home; it can even generate steam or operate a turbine. Typically the turbine is then used to power a generator which can then power your home.
At this time, federal and local governments are encouraging people to begin installing solar energy in their home or workplace. The incentives come in the form of tax credits.
It’s also important to note that the tax credits are also available to those using all types of renewable energy, and not just solar energy. You can get tax credits for wind energy, biogas energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy and more.
Biogas Energy
Biogas energy is the relative newcomer on the scene, but it is the smartest and potentially easiest way to generate power using renewable sources.
The main source of fuel for biogas energy is animal manure. This is something that we have in great supply since we raise billions of cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens each and every year.
And the best part? It’s so easy to build a biogas generator. In fact, we would like to tell you about Liberty Generator. It’s a video blueprint that will teach you how to build your own cost-effective biogas generator. Check out my review for the Liberty Generator now.